Saturday, January 30, 2010

My First Post/Blog

Okay, this is my very first post ever. Blogs are supposed to be shared/public, but I'm going to keep mine a secret until I know I will actually have time to update or make a post.

This weekend I decided to stay in Canyon, instead of go home-partly because I have two major exams next week, but also because the "blizzard" of 2010 confined me to my dorm. I can't say it's been an exciting weekend...but it has been slightly productive. I listened to, at minimun, 5 hours of anatomy and physiology lecture. You would think I would be 100% prepared for my exam on Tuesday, but I beg to differ.

The boyfriend, who will thus forward be referred to as Jake, told me today that his only chance of getting off work for V-day weekend now lies in the hands of the meanest, grouchiest manager in all of the Chili's corporation. =( =( In the words of Forest Gump, "That's all I have to say about that..."

I guess I don't have much to say or complain about right now. I'm just watching the Miss America Pagent and being all nervousy for them during their interview questions. sheesh!

In Him,

Amanda =)